Palais Dar Sabra
N'hésitez pas à partager avec nous toutes informations supplémentaires sur cet établissement. Palace Dar Sabra-A hotel like no other... At the heart of Marrakech, Dar Sabra is a true luxury hotel located in the palm grove offering a refined cultural atmosphere. The Palace reflects the unique character of rare homes where one feels at home in a green, mineral and aquatic surrounding decorated with works of art yet still providing a sincere and refined friendliness. Moreover, the Palace offers all expected services and facilities for an excellent stay: 2 restaurants, a spa, 4 swimming-pools, a fitness centre, a tennis court, a cinema, a business centre, a traditional tent. A choice of contemporary suites, themed suites, villas are on offer. The personnel will be pleased to satisfy all your needs discretely. |
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